When You’re Shaking

Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my Rock, my fortress, my place of safety. He is my God, the Rock I run to for protection. He is my shield; by his power I am saved. He is my hiding place high in the hills.

Fear is far more common, far more widespread, far more prevalent that we might think. So no, it’s not just you. Fear can strike any time, especially in the face of unexpected adversity.

Back in the military as we were being taught the so-called art of war, we learned that the element of surprise gives you a huge advantage against your enemy.

That’s why you set booby-traps and ambushes. That’s why you try to deceive your enemy, so that when you do strike he has absolutely no idea where you’re coming from or how strong your force really is.

Of course, those are deceptions that our enemy the devil has been deploying against God’s people since time immemorial. But it’s not always the devil. Sometimes it’s just circumstances – a health scare, a financial worry. What’s your response when you’re shaking at the knees, when you have that sick feeling deep in the pit of your stomach?

With the benefit of hindsight, here’s David’s response after God had saved him from King Saul and everyone else who wanted to kill him:

Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my Rock, my fortress, my place of safety. He is my God, the Rock I run to for protection. He is my shield; by his power I am saved. He is my hiding place high in the hills.

Too many of us when the bullets start flying run directly into the line of fire. In other words, we focus on our problems rather than turning to God.

That’s crazy because He is your Rock, your fortress, your place of safety. And as Charles Spurgeon so rightly points out, while you may shake, your Rock moveth not! Run to Him for protection.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.