Wanting God That Much

Exodus 33:18-20 Then Moses said [to God], “Now, please show me your Glory.” Then the Lord answered, “I will show my love and mercy to anyone I want to. So I will cause my perfect goodness to pass by in front of you, and I will speak my name, YAHWEH, so that you can hear it. But you cannot see my face. No one can see me and continue to live.

There’s a yearning deep inside each one of us for meaning; it’s something that many are looking for but can’t seem to lay hold of, a yearning actually that lies behind the whole Christmas thing.

It’s something I experienced for many years, but no matter where I looked or how hard I looked, it was never satisfied. It’s a yearning that Moses, one of the Old Testament, biblical A-listers, experienced too.

Exodus 33:18-20 Then Moses said [to God], “Now, please show me your Glory.” Then the Lord answered, “I will show my love and mercy to anyone I want to. So I will cause my perfect goodness to pass by in front of you, and I will speak my name, YAHWEH, so that you can hear it. But you cannot see my face. No one can see me and continue to live.

Moses wanted God. He wanted to see God, to experience God, to know God. But God knew that no one, not even His servant Moses, would survive seeing the His face. So God showed him something less – His love, His mercy, His perfect goodness, but not His face.

God even spoke His own name – YAHWEH – a name that Israelites dared not speak because it was too holy even to utter!

But that was it, until … that first Christmas … until God became a man to walk in our midst. As Jesus said of Himself, “Anyone who has seen me, has seen the Father who sent me.”

So if you have that yearning deep inside, a yearning that’s gone unfulfilled for a lifetime, then know this. The answer is God Himself. And now … now you can see His face. Jesus.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.