The Light that Shines in Your Heart

Psalm 119:130 As people understand your word, it brings light to their lives. Your word makes even simple people wise.

You know when something’s been baffling you for ages, something’s not quite right but you just haven’t been able to figure it out  and then all of a sudden it comes together, it makes sense … it’s like the light comes on.

I was recently asked by a young preacher to give him some feedback –  an awesome privilege –  so we watched a video of a recent sermon, stopping and starting it, talking about this and that, me asking questions, him stretching himself to find the answers.

The highlight came when he said, “You know, it’s almost like I preached two sermons, as though I tried to pack two messages into one.” Yes! That’s exactly what I was hoping he’d see. It’s like the light came on.

But it wouldn’t have happened had he not taken the initiative to ask for help, had his heart not been open to receive constructive criticism (and come on, that’s never easy) had he not made the effort to understand. It’s kind of like that with God’s Word too:

Psalm 119:130 As people understand your word, it brings light to their lives. Your word makes even simple people wise.

You and I, we need to take the initiative to read it, and then take the time to mull it over, to understand it, and when we do that … it brings light into our lives.

Would you rather be wise or simple? Do you want to learn, to grow, to become who God’s made you to be? Then open the Word of God and read it, receive it, reflect on it and respond to it. It will bring light into your life. It will make you wise.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.