So Much Misery

2 Chronicles 30:9 If you come back and obey the LORD, your relatives and your children will find mercy from the people who captured them. And your relatives and your children will come back to this land. The LORD your God is kind and merciful. He will not turn away from you if you come back to him.

Do you know what strikes me about this present age in which we live? There is so much misery in the lives of so many that it fairly boggles the mind. How can so many people be suffering so much?

So, what leads me to this seemingly pessimistic outlook? Here at Christianityworks we have a prayer site – – where thousands from around the globe leave their prayer requests so that an army of prayer warriors can pray for them.

I too pray for as many as I can. And the deep needs, the dire situations, for which so many request prayer, break my heart.

So imagine, I mean just imagine … with the millions, perhaps billions, of desperate prayers that go up to God daily how deeply His heart must ache for us – yes, for you and for me too. And all this misery is a direct consequence of the sin of humanity – yep, your sin and my sin too.

But even though our sin has brought all this pain crashing down on our heads – indeed, because of our desperately low estate – God has this to speak into our lives today:

2 Chronicles 30:9 If you come back and obey the LORD, your relatives and your children will find mercy from the people who captured them. And your relatives and your children will come back to this land. The LORD your God is kind and merciful. He will not turn away from you if you come back to him.

Wherever you are, however far you may have strayed, come back to the Lord.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.