Live Out a Defiant Faith
Habakkuk 3:17,18 Figs might not grow on the fig trees, and grapes might not grow on the vines. Olives might not grow on the olive trees, and food might not grow in the fields. There might not be any sheep in the pens or cattle in the barns. But I will still be glad in the LORD and rejoice in God my Saviour.
If only life were all sweetness and light. If only things would just go to plan so that we can be healthy, wealthy and wise. If only … but some days are dark days. So, how do you get through those days?
The darkest of dark days happen when the good things we’d been anticipating fail to eventuate.
Who, amidst the romance of their wedding day, expects that just a few years down the track their marriage will be lying in ruins? Who expects for this beautiful baby born to them today, to one day end up in a drug rehab program? Who expects amidst the success of their career to fall critically ill?
What we need in those dark days is a strategy for getting through them. And God has a powerful strategy, albeit that it’s completely counterintuitive.
Habakkuk 3:17,18 Figs might not grow on the fig trees, and grapes might not grow on the vines. Olives might not grow on the olive trees, and food might not grow in the fields. There might not be any sheep in the pens or cattle in the barns. But I will still be glad in the LORD and rejoice in God my Saviour.
Stuff happens. But in the midst of it, we can choose to live out a faith that defies our circumstances. Because through it all, we have Jesus –who died to pay for our sins and rose again to give us life eternal.
And that … that trumps anything and everything that life can throw at us. So when those dark days come, choose defiant faith. Choose nevertheless to be glad in the LORD and rejoice in God your Saviour.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.