God’s Foolishness and Weakness
1 Corinthians 1: 22-25 The Jews ask for miraculous signs, and the Greeks want wisdom. But this is the message we tell everyone: Christ was killed on a cross. This message is a problem for Jews, and to other people it is nonsense. But Christ is God’s power and wisdom to the people God has chosen, both Jews and Greeks. Even the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom. Even the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
Personally, it’d suit me just fine if God would fit more with my expectations; do things the way I’d expect Him to. How about you? But, oh no … He absolutely doesn’t. And, as things turn out, it’s just as well.
So … why has God hidden Himself from plain sight? Why not just reveal Himself to all and sundry, sort us out, get us playing together nicely and be done with it?
That’s not unreasonable. It’s what you and I would probably do. With all God’s power and all His love, we’d step in and clean this mess of a world up once and for all.
So you can understand those who don’t believe in Jesus, whom God sent to die on that Cross, being just a tad sceptical of the whole God thing. Show me a sign, prove that it’s true.
1 Corinthians 1: 22-25 The Jews ask for miraculous signs, and the Greeks want wisdom. But this is the message we tell everyone: Christ was killed on a cross. This message is a problem for Jews, and to other people it is nonsense. But Christ is God’s power and wisdom to the people God has chosen, both Jews and Greeks. Even the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom. Even the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
It turns out that, foolish though it may seem to some, God has revealed Himself to everyone on the planet. He has provided a path to sort things out. He has unleashed His power to help us play nicely together … but in a loving way that gives each of us the choice.
To believe in Jesus … or not. He is the way; the only way.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.