Feelings, Desires, Emotions

Isaiah 40:7,8 When a wind from the LORD blows on them, the grass dies and the flower falls. Yes, all people are like grass. Grass dies and flowers fall, but the word of our God lasts forever.”

The opinions of other people – especially when they’re strongly expressed (which they so often are these days) – appear to shout down the truth of God’s Word to the point where the faith of the average Christian is in sharp decline.

In great part, the reason for that is that blatant immorality, greed and a whole raft of other (let me call them for what they are) … sins, have been normalised in society; tarted up, because Satan inevitably presents himself as an angel of light.

That’s had a huge impact on the average Christian. I read this the other day … don’t know who wrote it, but sadly I find it more and more to be true:

“We’re at a point in Christianity where people don’t care if you can back it up with the Bible. Their feelings, desires and emotions override what Scripture says. They don’t follow Christ, they follow self.”So do you mind if I ask you today, to what extent has the normalisation of sin in society drawn you away from the truth and the power of God’s Word? Because …

Isaiah 40:7,8 When a wind from the LORD blows on them, the grass dies and the flower falls. Yes, all people are like grass. Grass dies and flowers fall, but the word of our God lasts forever.”

Look … the Bible doesn’t work like Facebook where our likes or opinions matter. God’s Word is true, regardless of the inexorable downward plunge of social morals and standards and irrespective of whether we agree with it or not.

I know that’s not easy, nor comfortable, nor popular. But be warned. Satan does come dressed as an angel of light. Don’t be deceived.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.