Faith Above Feelings

Psalm 28:1,2 I am calling to you for help. Don’t close your ears to my prayers. If you don’t answer me, I will be counted among the dead. I lift my hands and pray toward your Most Holy Place. Hear me when I call to you. Show mercy to me.

Whenever God calls us to do something for Him, there’s a part of us that wants to stay inside our comfort zone. There’s an inertia, a resistance, a fear of what it might cost us.

If you believe in Jesus, and yet don’t relate to that, if you haven’t experienced that inertia, that resistance, that fear of what Jesus is calling you into, then there’s something seriously wrong. Because He ain’t looking for comfortable believers, but for disciples prepared to take up their cross to follow Him wherever He leads, to be about His business of loving and saving a lost and hurting world.

King David’s road to the throne of Israel was marked with a lot of fear, surviving multiple attempts on his life … and yet, had he not followed God’s call … well, it’s unthinkable. Jesus (a millennium later) was his direct descendent.

In one of those fearful times, David cried out to God:

Psalm 28:1,2 I am calling to you for help. Don’t close your ears to my prayers. If you don’t answer me, I will be counted among the dead. I lift my hands and pray toward your Most Holy Place. Hear me when I call to you. Show mercy to me.

Bruce Wilkinson, in his book “The Prayer of Jabez” writes this: “You’ll nearly always feel fear when you begin taking new territory for God, but you’ll also experience the tremendous thrill of Him carrying you along as you’re doing it.”

And what a tremendous thrill it is. So don’t let fear stop you. Follow Jesus wherever He leads because no matter how scary it gets, He will hear you when you call. He will show you mercy.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.