Don’t Fret Over the Bad Guys

Psalm 37:7,8 Trust in the Lord and wait quietly for his help. Don’t be angry when people make evil plans and succeed. Don’t become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil.

Don’t you hate it when the bad guys prosper? I mean you’re doing everything right yet struggling. They’re behaving badly yet succeeding. Don’t you hate that?

How do you react when you see some incompetent or lazy or manipulative person promoted ahead of you at work? How do you feel when you see the dishonest guy make a bundle of cash through a dodgy business deal while you’re slogging away at your job, barely making ends meet?

It just isn’t fair! It just shouldn’t be that way!

And at that point, it’s easy to lose the plot; to lash out against those people, or worse still, stoop down to their level. But God’s watching all this and one day the ledger will be set straight. In the meantime, can I make a suggestion? Here’s a pearl of wisdom from the mouth of the Lord:

Psalm 37:7,8 Trust in the Lord and wait quietly for his help. Don’t be angry when people make evil plans and succeed. Don’t become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil.

It’s so the opposite of the way that we want to treat those people who make evil plans and succeed. We get angry with them, we want the ledger to be set straight – NOW!! It’s just not right that they’re successful. It shouldn’t be that way.

But the danger in that teaching is not only that we lose our own peace – which we do when we react that way – but we end up doing the very evil that we decry in them.

So get a revelation today. Don’t fret over the bad guys.

Trust in the Lord and wait quietly for his help.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.