Ditch Your Secret Sins
Psalm 90:8 You know about all our sins. You see every one of our secret sins.
Over the years you and I have seen a good many high-profile Christian leaders fall from grace. And without exception, their demise had its beginnings in some secret, hidden sin. There’s a salutary lesson in that for us.
If you’re into something that you need to hide from others, from your wife or husband, your friends, your children … then examine it closely. Because there’s every chance that it involves sin.
And whilst others may not see what’s going on, there’s One who does. Here’s Moses speaking with God:
Psalm 90:8 You know about all our sins. You see every one of our secret sins.
And friend, sooner or later God will bring those secret sins out into the light. That may happen in this life as it has for many of those fallen leaders – tragic yes, but better that it does. At least you’ll have the opportunity to turn away from it, to repent, to be forgiven by God.
What would be infinitely worse is for that hidden sin only to come to light on that day of judgement, where the opportunity to repent is lost.
Charles Spurgeon once said this: “Lord, free us from those who are angels in public, saints at church and demons at home.”
Can I challenge you today to be honest with yourself? Do you have some hidden sin going on in your life? Are you clinging to this demonic darkness in private whilst masquerading as an angel of light in public?
If so, take the initiative. Bring it into His light. Deal with it before Him. Because He sees every one of our secret sins.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.